National Co-operative Exports Limited (NCEL) has been registered on 25th January, 2023 under the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act, 2002 with the approval of Union Cabinet and notified as a National Co-operative Society on 21st March 2023 by the Central Government under the ibid Act.
Promoted by prominent organizations of the country like IFFCO, KRIBHCO, GCMMF (Amul), NAFED and NCDC, the NCEL has resolved to extend quality, transparent and improved services to the entire nation through its member co-operatives and active member participation as per this CHARTER so as to realise the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision of ‘SAHAKAR SE SAMRIDDHI’.
The establishment of the NCEL as an umbrella organization for exports activities of co-operatives under the Ministry of Cooperation is a significant step towards realizing the vision of "Sahakar se Samriddhi" and strengthening the cooperative movement in India. NCEL's role in promoting and facilitating exports from the cooperative sector is commendable, as it will unlock the export potential of Indian cooperatives in global markets.
By coordinating with various ministries of the Government of India and adopting a 'Whole of Government Approach,' NCEL will help cooperatives access and benefit from export-related schemes and policies. This initiative will not only boost the performance, productivity, and profitability of cooperative societies but also improve the livelihoods of their members by enabling them to achieve better prices for their goods and services, along with dividends from surplus generation. It's a significant stride towards inclusive growth through cooperatives in India.
To be the world’s most reliable and competitive Cooperative Export House, by adhering to the principles and values of cooperation and fostering, assisting, and enabling Indian cooperative products & services to strengthen their competitive edge and leverage global market opportunities, benefiting all the stakeholders of the cooperative society/societies.
- To be among the top three export houses across diverse export segments within the next five years.
- Conduct extensive market research to identify potential export demands and effectively facilitate the export of products and services as per the requirements.
- Offer integrated trade solutions to stakeholder members for ensuring sustainable profits.
- Focus on being the leading exporter of co-operative products and services.
- Continuously adapt to evolving global market trends, anticipate customer needs, and leverage emerging technologies to drive export growth and profit maximization.
- Unlocking the export potential of Indian cooperatives in global markets and laying focus on exporting surpluses available in the country in the cooperative sector
- To provide incremental income to the members of the society and generate employment at the grassroots and increase exports of surplus goods and services produced by cooperatives and promote make in India leading to self-reliant India.
- Identifying potential markets for goods and services produced by cooperative member stakeholders and preparing Indian cooperatives to access wider markets.
- Establishing product specifications in the light of market needs, standards and regulations in accordance with suppliers’ capabilities.
- Taking care of testing and standardization and other export service requirements.
- Implement a robust quality assurance mechanism, ensuring adherence to global standards and certifications, to establish a strong reputation for high-quality cooperative exports.
- Any society registered under the State Co-operative Societies Act or the MSCS Act will be eligible to become member of the NCEL provided such member society is interested in exporting surpluses available and is committed to the furtherance of the vision, mission and objectives of the NCEL and conforms to the membership provisions as contained in its bye-laws.
Member Participation
- Membership of NCEL will encompass all existing and potential cooperatives in India that are engaged in export activities of any type or are willing to join NCEL in achieving their exports related objectives.
Member Rights and Benefits
- Members will be entitled to voting rights, services, and other privileges as contained in the bye-laws of NCEL. The members will be benefitted both by realization of better prices through export of their goods and services and also by dividend distributed out of the surplus generated by the society. NCEL will pass on up to 50% of net surplus to the member cooperatives in proportion to their business participation.
Management & Governance
- Ensuring good governance within the Board of Directors is crucial for maintaining financial and administrative discipline, transparency, professionalism, and accountability. It's essential to strike a balance between these principles and the cooperative values of autonomy and independence, which are at the core of cooperative organizations. Effective governance will help NCEL fulfilling its responsibilities and serve members and communities efficiently.
Code of Conduct
- The members, directors, and employees of the NCEL shall abide by the Co-operative Principles and adhere to the Guidelines and ethical standards to ensure institutional and individual integrity, transparency and fair practices.
Amendment to the Charter
- Amendments to this Charter may be carried out to meet the changed requirements of time without compromising the core values and principles of cooperation in conformity with MSCS Act 2002 as amended from time to time.