How it began...
National Cooperative Exports Limited (NCEL) was conceptualized when Shri Amit Shah Ji, Hon'ble Home and Co-operation Minister, took a decision to establish a National level Multi-State Cooperative. The Cooperative is created to function as an umbrella organization for exports by the entire cooperative sector of the country.
NCEL was set up with the approval of the Union Government and registered under the Multi-State Cooperative Society Act, 2002 on the 25th of January, 2023. It is jointly promoted by some of the leading cooperative societies in the country, namely. Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) popularly known as AMUL Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO). Krishak Bharati Cooperative Limited (KRIBHCO) and National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited (NAFED). Besides, National Co-operative Development Corporation (NCDC), a Statutory Corporation under the Ministry of Co-operation, is one of its promoter members.
As cooperatives hold the key to the rural economic transformation of the nation, particularly in agriculture and related sectors with the promise of growth with equity, all efforts should be made to leverage the strengths of cooperatives and transform them into successful and vibrant business enterprises in order to realize the vision of "Sahakar-se-Samriddhi". The Ministry of Cooperation has taken initiatives to encourage cooperatives to think globally and act locally in order to leverage their comparative advantage in sectors like, - agriculture, horticulture, dairy, poultry, livestock, fisheries, sugar, spices, organic products, fertilizer, handloom, handicraft, textile, tea/coffee, minor forest produce, ayurvedic/herbal medicines, processed food, leather, etc. across the globe.
Cooperative Principles

Open and Voluntary Membership

Democratic Member Control

Member's Economic Participation

Autonomy and Independence

Education, Training and Information

Cooperation Among Cooperatives

Concern for Community
How the Export Society runs and what members get out of it

Cooperative Sector Exports

These are prevalent in rural areas and cater to the needs of farmers and agricultural workers. They provide services such as credit, inputs, seeds, fertilizers, and marketing support.
Agricultural Cooperatives

India's most renowned dairy cooperative is Amul, formed in 1946 as a response to the exploitation of milk producers by private traders. The Amul model, also known as the Anand pattern, revolutionized the dairy sector and empowered millions of milk producers.
Dairy Cooperatives

Textile cooperatives are active from cotton field to fabric production. Their activities ranges from cotton cultivation to its ginning & pressing, spinning & weaving, processing, garmenting, knitting benefiting and weaker section activities such as handloom, coir, jute & sericulture and contribute to the country’s GDP.
Textile Cooperatives

These cooperatives aim to provide essential goods and services to consumers at reasonable prices. They often operate in urban areas and have a consumer-centric approach.
Consumer Cooperatives

Sugar cooperatives have a active role in making India one of the top sugar-producing countries in the world and contribute to about 40 percent of the total production of sugar in India. As ethanol blending of petrol is prioritized, the sugar cooperatives are playing pivotal role in agrarian economics.
Sugar Cooperatives

Fruits and vegetable cooperatives are potential foreign exchange earners and with cooperative marketing some crops like isabgol, cumin, mango etc have become money spinners both for farmers as well as the country. Diverse climatic conditions in India support growth and development of medicinal and aromatic crops, tuber crops, floriculture, mushrooms, isabgol, cumin crops.
Fruits & Vegetables Cooperatives

These cooperatives support fishermen with credit, equipment, storage, processing, and marketing, boosting livelihoods and sustainable fisheries.
Fishery Cooperatives

NCEL Annual Report

NCEL Information Brouchure
We are a specialized society that will solve problems in the export market such as fierce competition, monopoly, malpractices, lack of infrastructure, and standardization, and ensure that your products reach the proposed audience. What’s more, you get to be part of shaping the new India, a nation progressing towards a better tomorrow while making an impact on the global landscape.
To join us as a member, write to us at headcoop@ncel.coop